Providing high quality out-of-school-time and after school community events for West Valley City families and students, resulting in increased opportunities for learning.
Academy Park Cow Heart Dissection
U of U School of Medicine – Cow heart dissection at Academy Park Elementary afterschool program – 5th and 6th grade
Valley Jr. High MESA Club
MESA Club building mouse trap power driven cars at Valley Jr. High.
Granger Elementary Summer Program
Granger Elementary Summer Program provided 7 weeks of exciting enrichment activities following tutoring in reading, math, and science by Granger’s certified teachers. Activities included:
Stansbury Utah Seasons Art, Reading and Writing Projects
The Afterschool Summer Program theme at Stansbury Elementary was “Seasons”. Summer art, reading and math projects reflected the students’ perceptions of Utah Seasons.
Hunter Jr. High Students Visit Colleges
Hunter Jr. High emphasized college and career preparation this summer. Students visited Westminster College, Utah Valley University, Weber State University, University of Utah Physics Department.